Thank you for all these excellent comments - and also to those of you who’ve sent such nice messages on subscribing. I’m trying to work out how to reply to them individually but it seems I’m only able to ‘share’ them rather than reply, which seems ridiculous. One day I’ll work it out. Meantime, greetings from my book tour stop in rainy Z…
Thank you for all these excellent comments - and also to those of you who’ve sent such nice messages on subscribing. I’m trying to work out how to reply to them individually but it seems I’m only able to ‘share’ them rather than reply, which seems ridiculous. One day I’ll work it out. Meantime, greetings from my book tour stop in rainy Zurich, home of stupendous art collections and lots and lot and lotttts of money.
Thank you for all these excellent comments - and also to those of you who’ve sent such nice messages on subscribing. I’m trying to work out how to reply to them individually but it seems I’m only able to ‘share’ them rather than reply, which seems ridiculous. One day I’ll work it out. Meantime, greetings from my book tour stop in rainy Zurich, home of stupendous art collections and lots and lot and lotttts of money.